NeedleNine Account SETUP
Cascade Aviation uses the scheduling program NeedleNine for scheduling, billing, maintenance tracking, and so much more!
We request that you set up your NeedleNine account before you begin flying with Cascade Aviation using the instructions below.
1. Navigate to https://portal.needlenine.com/login. Click "forgot password” on the bottom and enter the email address associated with your ScheduleMaster account, then click "send new password."
2. Return to https://portal.needlenine.com/login and log into your account using the temporary password provided.
3. Click your name in the very top right corner of the screen, then click “Change Password.” Your current password is the one in the email sent to you. Please change your password to one of your liking that fits the system’s requirements, then click “Save.”
4. Click the "My Profile" button on the far left bottom side, then click the “Billing” tab on the top menu.
5. Click “Enroll Autopay” on the far right side and upload a credit card to pay for future flights and lessons.
6. On the top menu, click the "Documents" button.
7. Click “Enroll Membership” on the bottom of the right side to join the club for reduced rental rates (all Cascade members are required to join the club for training and for airplane rental).
8. On the first tab, "Certificates," click the blue "New Certificate" button and upload the information for your pilot license. Include pictures of both the front and the back, and also write in any limitations that exist.
9. Repeat step 7 for your medical certificate, and again for your driver’s license (choose “other certificate”). Be certain to include pictures of both the front and the back, write in any limitations that exist, and put in the correct expiration date.
10. Click the "TSA" tab on the top menu and click “Proof of citizenship” to upload a picture of your passport or original birth certificate.
11. On the "Rental Agreement" tab, please read through Cascade Aviation’s rental agreement and then sign by typing your name exactly as it appears on your NeedleNine account (otherwise it will not accept it).
12. Back on the top menu, click "Account," and fill out the required personal information.
You may now create reservations for airplanes, the simulator, and instructors.
1. Go to the “Schedule” page (on the left menu).
2. If the screen is mostly blank, click the “filter” button (two buttons to the right of the “Availability” button near the top of the screen) and choose “All Aircraft and Instructors.”
3. Click anywhere in the schedule to start creating a reservation. If you want a reservation time not shown on the screen simply click anywhere and you will be able to adjust the times in a future step.
4. NeedleNine will ask you to take an additional first step in creating a reservation to define what type of reservation you are making. If you are doing a non-training flight, click “Leisure.” If you are doing a training flight in a syllabus (towards a license or rating), click “Training” and choose the correct lesson in your syllabus. For aircraft checkouts, flight reviews, or any other kind of training flight, choose “General | Proficiency.”
5. If you are reserving both an instructor and an airplane make sure to book them on the same reservation (do not create separate reservations for the plane and instructor).
If you have any questions on NeedleNine you may bring them to your assigned instructor or any Cascade staff member. Thank you!