Knock off the rust and experience the joy of flying all over again

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Has life gotten in the way of flying? Been a few years since you’ve been up in an airplane? When you’re ready to get current again, Cascade Aviation is here to help. We will personally tailor a program to your needs to help you get refreshed and recurrent to safely fly once again. Our instructors will not only make sure you can perform the required maneuvers from the FAA’s flight review guide, but will go above and beyond to make sure you are safe to fly with thorough ground and flight training matched with your next aviation goals. No matter how much of a “rusty pilot” you consider yourself, there is no better time than the present to get back in the saddle and feel the rush of takeoff and the pride in a perfect landing, not to mention the amazing views from above. It is never too late! Contact us today to start your journey back to flying!