N2273F: 1969 PIPER PA-28-140 CHEROKEE


The Piper Cherokee family has been a staple in the general aviation world since it first landed in the early 1960s. Even though it only has 140 horsepower, this particular airplane punches far above its class with significant upgrades to the panel, a tuned exhaust system, and vortex generators installed on the wings. Climb in to begin your training with an unparalleled view above, finesse your instrument skills with the GPS and dual radios, or load up the family for a trip around the Olympics. The choice is yours!

Airplane Specs

  • Rated for visual and instrument flying, day and night

  • Fuel capacity: 49.67 gallons usable

  • Useful load: 799 pounds

  • Range: 6 hours, 725 miles (75% power at 7,000 feet)

  • Engine: Lycoming O-320-E2A rated at 140 hp

  • GNC 355 GPS with WAAS

  • ADS-B in and out via Stratus

  • ICAO equipment codes:


    • Surveillance: EB1

    • PBN: B2C2D2


  • Club members: $173 / hour

  • Block time (10% discount): NA

  • Non-club member (dual instruction only): $198 / hour

  • Flight instructor: additional $66 / hour ($76 for non-members)

* All prices include fuel